Na Trgu hrvatskih rodoljuba, svečano je otvorena ovogodišnja manifestacija Adventa, u organizaciji Pučkog otvorenog učilišta a pod pokroviteljstvon Grada. Palenjem bogate svijetlosne dekoracije, gradonačelnik Nikola Magdić, simbolički je označio početak programa i niza sadržaja u povodu Adventa. Župnik ogulinski, mons. Tomislav Rogić, blagoslovio je jaslice, a mnogobrojne građane, zabavljali su Zlatni dukati. Tijekom Adventa, koncerte će održati klapa Cambi, Vis Mesinger i Cantate domino iz susjedne Slovenije. Nastupiti će i domaće glazbene snage a sve do 8. Siječnja 2012, održavati će se i Adventski sajam. Pogledajte dio atmosfere na Trgu hrvatskih rodoljuba i na trgu kod Golubice.
Photo by Pepiino Škorašnik
Kad obiđete mnoge štandove, zastanite za trenutak kraj onog koji je poseban. To je tiho mjesto na kome zrači nada, mjesto na kome caruje ljubav i beskrajna briga za jedan mali dječji život. To je mjesto na kome vas svojim prekrasnim začuđenim očima, promatra djevojčica Tina. Umjesto radosti Božića, život se grubo poigrao tim malim anđelom. S fotografije kao da vam govori: Pomognite. I ovdje ponavljamo: Pomognite malenoj Tini Kirasić. Teška bolest zaustavila je jedno bezbrižno djetinjstvo i pretvorila dječju razigranost u agoniju nje i njene obitelji. Dosadašnji Tinini Božići, bili su ispunjeni radošću, ljubavlju i srećom. Ovaj nažalost nije. Molimo da joj Bog pomogne, a vjerujemo i u veliko plemenito srce Ogulinaca. I vaša najmanja pomoć, dobro je došla. Jer Tina nije i ne smije ostati sama. Svi smo s njom. U nadi da je čeka bolji život. Sretan život, kao život svakog dragog nam djeteta.
Nebojša Magdić
Before starting post-cycle therapy, it's crucial to wait for your body to stabilize after completing a
treatment cycle. This typically means waiting 2-3 weeks after your menstrual period returns and your hormone levels have normalized.
When to Start Post-Cycle Therapy
You can begin post-cycle therapy once you've confirmed that your
body has successfully resumed its natural cycle.
This is usually indicated by the return of your menstrual period and stable hormone levels.
Monitoring During Post-Cycle Therapy
Regular monitoring is essential to ensure your treatment is effective and well-tolerated.
This includes checking for side effects and ensuring your hormones remain within the desired range.
Post Cycle Therapy 101: The Ultimate A-Z Guide
What is Post Cycle Therapy?
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a recovery period for
individuals who have stopped using Performance Enhancing
Drugs (PEDs) or synthetic hormones to allow their bodies to restart natural hormone production safely.
During PCT, the body is given time to reset and
recover after exposure to exogenous substances that may have suppressed or altered its
own processes.
Why Use A PCT?
Using PCT is essential for individuals who have used
anabolic steroids or other hormone-altering drugs.
Without a proper PCT, users risk experiencing prolonged suppression of
their natural hormone production, leading to hormonal imbalances and potential health complications.
PCT ensures that the body恢复 to its natural state, minimizing the risks associated with steroid use.
Kick-Starts Natural Testosterone Production
One of the primary reasons for using PCT is to kick-start natural
testosterone production. After ceasing the use of exogenous hormones, the body may struggle
to resume producing testosterone on its own due to the suppression caused by PEDs or synthetic hormones.
PCT provides the necessary signals to the brain and endocrine system to begin恢复 normal hormone production.
Prevents Low Testosterone Symptoms
Low testosterone levels can lead to a host of unwanted symptoms, including fatigue, muscle wasting, reduced libido, and mood swings.
By initiating PCT in a timely manner, individuals can prevent these symptoms from
becoming chronic or severe.
Counteracts the Side Effects of PEDs
PEDs often come with their own set of side effects, such as testicular atrophy, liver damage,
and cardiovascular issues. PCT not only helps恢复
hormone levels but also works to mitigate
these side effects by supporting overall recovery and health.
Helps You Keep Your Gains
For bodybuilders and athletes who have made
significant gains from steroid use, PCT is crucial for retaining muscle mass and strength.
Without PCT, users may experience a reversal of their progress, known as
"rollback," where gains are lost due to hormonal imbalances.
Gives You Time to Recover
Finally, PCT gives the body time to fully恢复 from the strain of exogenous hormone use.
This recovery period is essential for overall health and well-being, ensuring that users can resume natural hormone production without unnecessary risks.
Different Types of PCT
When it comes to PCT, there are several options available,
each designed to address different needs.
Two of the most common types are Clomid PCT
and Nolvadex PCT.
Clomid PCT cycle
Clomid is a synthetic estrogen that serves as a powerful aromatase
inhibitor (AI). It works by blocking the conversion of anabolic steroids into their
hormone forms, allowing the body to resume producing testosterone naturally.
Clomid is often used in longer PCT cycles to maximize recovery time.
Nolvadex PCT cycle
Nolvadex, another synthetic estrogen, functions similarly to Clomid
but with slightly different mechanisms. It is commonly used
in shorter PCT cycles due to its rapid ability to restore hormone production and mitigate estrogen-related side effects.
PCT Cycles and Dosages
Clomid PCT cycle: Typically lasts 4-6 weeks, with dosages ranging from 25-50mg per
day, split into two or three doses. This duration and dosage are designed
to effectively reset hormone levels without causing excessive side effects.
Nolvadex PCT cycle: Often shorter, lasting around 2-3 weeks with dosages of 10-20mg per day.
Nolvadex is particularly effective at combating estrogen buildup,
making it a favorite among users seeking a rapid recovery solution.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start PCT?
The timing of PCT is critical to its effectiveness. Ideally,
you should begin PCT immediately after ceasing steroid use
or synthetic hormone therapy. Waiting too long can result in prolonged
suppression and reduced recovery potential.
How long should PCT last?
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