Ovdje sve o parku na jednom mjestu. Malo podataka, malo nostalgije, malo ogorčenja, i na kraju -  malo zadovoljstva. Jer sve je ipak, dobro ispalo.  I malo sličica.

Još 1990. godine, javnosti je prezentirano idejno rješenje uređenja i revitalizacije gradskog parka. Park u središtu Ogulina, pokraj crkve Svetog Križa, počeo se formirati još daleke 1835. godine. Vrijeme je učinilo svoje, tako da se je pokazala potreba za njegovim uređenjem. 1990. godine, javnosti je prezentirano idejno rješenje revitalizacije parka. Najprije je donacijom jednog našeg Ogulinca iz Amerike, obnovljen spomenik kralju Tomislavu, ali je onda rat poremetio postojeće planove. Tamo negdje 2000. godine,  ponovno se krenulo s akcijom uređenja. Uređeno je vrelo Cesarovac, ograda oko njega i postavljena nova rasvjeta. U međuvremenu, konzervatori koji u Ogulinu baš i nisu omiljeni, željeli su sačuvati one najvrjednije dijelove parka, u prvom redu vertikalu od crkve Svetog Križa prema Frankopanskoj kuli, što je naravno uvaženo. Na osnovu starog idejnog rješenja, uz nužne promjene, sačinjen je novi projekt. Postojala je dilema oko drveća u parku. Mr. Marijan Ocvirek, stručnjak za hortikulturu, rekao je tada da postoje dvije verzije.  Jedna, da se sve sruši i da se napravi potpuno novi park, po svim pravilima, i druga – da se u parku posijeku drveća koja su dotrajala, te da se zasade nova.

Gradsko se je vodstvo odlučilo za drugu varijantu – ruši sve, i sadi novo. I izazvalo salvu kritika ogorčenih Ogulinaca. Bila je to 2008 godina.

Sada, kada vidim, kako nam je novi park svakim danom ljepši, i kako ga osim mladih, prihvaćaju i oni starije generacije Ogulinaca, naprosto me moram ispričati onima, koji su srušili devastirani stari park i zasadili novi. Imali su viziju i bili su u pravu. A nama na stari park, ostaje samo sjećanje.


Stara razglednica parka.

Svakim danom sve je manje onih, koji ga se ovakvoga sjećaju.


Ovo je malo duži post u kome sam želio samo podsjetiti na kronologiju događaja oko našeg parka. Pa ako van se da, čitajte, ili samo pogledajte fotkice.  Evo što sam tada pisao. Malo oštriji vokabular, rezultat je šoka izazvanog rušenjem onda dragoga nam parka.


Prošlo je četiri, pet godina, otkada  je porušen stoljetni ogulinski gradski park (2008.). Ne znam da li postoji tema koja je više obrađivana na lokalnim blogovima i u komentarima. Osobno sam redovito pisao o tome,  još čuvam sve te tekstove, i još mi nikako nije jasno zašto se odustalo od stava - „ništa ne rušiti, svako stablo liječiti“, da bi se onda preko noći taj stav promijenio u osudu: „sve rušiti (preko 100 lipa) i gradi novo“. Volio bi jednom saznati ime čovjeka koji je parku okrenuo palac dolje i na smrt osudio jedan od simbola grada. Kada je sve porušeno, kao kod mnogih Ogulinaca, i u meni je ostalo samo ogorčenje i tuga. Jer parkovi su duša grada. Zelene oaze mira, tišine, malih tajni i velikih ljubavi. Parkovi su svjedoci jednog vremena, urbanog štiha, svjedoci generacija koje su u njima stasale.

Ne znajući  kuda sa sobom u ovo čudnovato i blesavo proljetno vrijeme, „šnjofam“ malo po KAportalu. I čitam kako će Karlovčani uređivati Marmontovu aleju u Dubovcu, Vrbanićev perivoj, Šetalište dr. Franje Tuđmana. Ruše stara, bolesna drva, i odmah sade nova. Čuvaju ljubomorno Karlovčani dio svoje kulture, dio povijesti, dio grada što im oni prije njih, ostaviše u nasljeđe. Čitam i kako su građani promptno reagirali na rušenje 100 godišnjih platana i fizički onemogućili da se tako nešto učini…

I onda se s gorčinom, i nekom sitnom tugom sjetim, kako je kod nas, jedan od simbola Ogulina, park kralja Tomislava u središtu grada, srušen bez milosti do posljednje lipe. Meni, malom, beznačajnom kroničaru za grad značajnih zbivanja, preostalo je samo, onako iz srca, upisati nekoliko redaka, tek toliko,  da se ne zaboravi. Od barbarskog rušenja gradskog parka prošlo je  već nekoliko godina i zelenilo proljeća bez njega nekako više nije isto. Zapravo, ništa više nije isto, otkada nam, onako mučki, potajice ukradoše stoljetno zelenilo uspomena.


Tekst koji slijedi, bila je prva reakcija na rušenje parka.


"U gradskom parku "pali su tada i „posljednji Mohikanci". Preostale lipe, zasađene još 1835. godine od "tuđinske" ruke krajiškog časnika Schenckela, "pale" su od isto tako "tuđinskih" Stihlovki u rukama domaćih hrvatskih djelatnika. I tako ode  jedan simbol grada kao da ga nikada nije ni bilo. Na istom mjestu, neki novi Schenkeli, zasadili su neki novi park, za "neke nove klince". Nama, koji smo satkani od malih, možda i bespotrebnih uspomena, onaj stari park biti će samo odsjaj nekih prošlih dana, biti će naš bijeg u mladost, bezbrižnost, djetinjstvo. Nama koji smo rasli uz njega, njegova osuda na smrt, teško je pala. Teško,  jer znamo da je otišao u nepovrat, zauvijek. A kada se susrećemo s neumitnošću života, ono "zauvijek", najviše boli. Jer znači konačni rastanak. Nekima koji žive u ovom gradu a nikada nisu bili njegov dio, nikako nije jasno zašto to tamo neki sjetni ljudi sipaju tugu za običnom hrpom drveća. Nikada im to i neće biti jasno. Jer nikada nisu treperili u sjeni stoljetnih lipa zaneseni prvom ljubavi, nikada nisu u  sigurnosti istih tih lipa krali prve poljupce, nikada nisu primijetili neke ptice visoko u krošnjama i čuli njihovu pjesmu, nikada nisu i neće moći shvatiti tihi zanos tajnih gimnazijskih ljubavi skrivenih u onim istim krošnjama, s onim istim pticama i njihovim pjevom. Jedan simbol grada osuđen je na smrt bez prava na žalbu. I više ga nema. Falit će i Franki i Janji, Iveti i Miketi, i Zvoneti i Stipeti i teti Mandi "kaj nediljom črez njega idu u crikvu na prvu mašu". Faliti će i nekim mladim mamama i njihovim klincima i klincezama, faliti će penzićima koji su u hladu stoljetnih krošanja razglabali svoje uspomene, faliti će i curicama kojima prvi puta zaigra nešto u njedrima, a nisu sigurne što je, pa u tišini parka traže smiraj i trenutak predaha. Faliti će putniku namjerniku. Faliti će klincima koji su u njegovom dostojanstvenom miru  „trusili“ bambus u dvolitrenoj boci kole, na gitari hvatali neke falš tonove i onako usput, nenadano, krali prve, nezaboravne poljupce. Jedan park s kojim smo rođeni i živjeli, manjkati će Ogulincima. Na istom mjestu polako, užasno, užasno polako, niče novi park, možda i ljepši od ovog našeg staroga.  S još većim i možda ljepšim stablima. Znam ja to dobro. Ali shvatite me. Nemam više vremena čekati da stablo naraste u svojoj punoj ljepoti i raskoši. I zato nevoljko priznajem – nisam ja tužan samo zbog parka mog djetinjstva. Tužan sam  onako, sebično, i  zbog sebe. Tužan što više neću moći biti razigrani klinac pod njegovim rascvalim krošnjama, što neću moći biti dječak koji u njemu otkriva tajne prve ljubavi, što neću moći vidjeti njegovu novu ljepotu znajući da ono što dolazi, više neće biti moje vrijeme. Neki čudni ljudi ukradoše meni i Ogulincima park, a da nas ni pitali nisu".


Objavio sam ovo u kolumni  Kaportala. 12. 4. 2013.


I jedna zanimljivost oko novog parka. Ja sam onako u zajebanciji rekao:


"Neće ovo biti dobro.  Nabavili nove mlade lipe iz Firence u Italiji, u kamionu i prikolici iz Slovenije dopeljal u Ogulin Bosanac,  a onda lipe zasadili Riječani". Puno babic, kilavo dite.

Hajde, na sreću, ispalo odlično.

I to je sve. A sada, da se neki podsjete, a neki prvi puta vide, što se u parku događalo te 2008.  evo  malo sličica.    

Počelo je, počelo.




Još malo, pa gotovo. Stari park će nam ostati samo na slikama.

Na redu je druga faza - zasađena prva lipa.


Lipe iz Firence, dovezao Bosanac (desno), u kamionu i prikolici slovenske registracije, a sve zasadili Riječani.

I sada - novi park. Kralju malo čudno, tko je maznuo drva bez izvoznice.

Evo već i prvog hlada. 

Dvije fotkice iz zraka. Zgodno.


Za kraj ove male foto šetnje - kralj Tomislav u novoj i .......

i u staroj varijanti. Dok novi park naraste, bome ćemo se načekat.


14. 11. 2023.

Nebojša Magdić



#2379 Tilly 2024-11-14 11:08
The union opposes law enforcement intervention and
interferes with law enforcement attempts to bring slight girls out of brothels, on the grounds that law enforcement motion may well have an adverse impression on non-trafficked sex workers,
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in their functions. For illustration, the sex staff union DMSC (Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee)
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9,691 male sex offenders introduced from prisons in fifteen US states in 1994 indicated that within just
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The necessity to guard alleged victims in opposition to invasions of privacy, potential embarrassment,
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#2386 Fredric 2024-11-14 12:37
Human trafficking victims confront threats of violence from numerous
sources, like customers, pimps, brothel owners, madams,
traffickers, and corrupt nearby legislation enforcement officers and even from
family members users who do not want to have any backlink with them.
Trafficking in organs is a valuable trade since in numerous nations
the ready lists for people who require transplants are extremely extensive.
In 1997 alone as lots of as 175,000 younger women of all ages from
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the Americas. «After her sister and brother have sexual intercourse for the to start with, Molly's jealousy gets the improved of her.
Today, statues to honor "comfort and ease women" have
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In Los Angeles, I've been to a restaurant named Hunan Taste
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Instincts, for Freud, are the principal motivating forces in the mental realm, and as such they energise the
thoughts in all of its features. Having mentioned that,
it's undeniably true that Freud gave sexual drives an importance
and centrality in human life, human actions, and human habits which
was new (and to many, shocking), arguing as he does that sexual drives exist
and could be discerned in youngsters from beginning (the speculation of infantile sexuality), and that sexual power (libido) is the one most necessary motivating drive in adult life.

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#2389 Franziska 2024-11-14 13:36
Together, we will embark on a journey of therapeutic, expansion, and a
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break the camels again. New York: Guilford Press.
New York City, New York: Anchor Books. UG: Yes, experienced.
He mixed Western therapies, the Tantric program, and every
little thing that you could come across in the textbooks.

UG: Power game titles are section of society. Think
of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s show Fleabag as an fantastic modern day introduction to this movement
or ideology that encourages sexuality as a natural portion of remaining a human and aims to clear away stigma and disgrace from sex.
The delivery of a boy or girl is a quite all-natural thing.
There are so lots of folks who are doing this kind of point in the name
of enlightenment. And that completed the complete point.
The full hierarchical composition is constructed on that basis.
But to get in touch with it a traumatic expertise and
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I you should not connect with it suffering or violence.
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Holy shit, I absolutely see a cult film in the producing listed here." --Pegritz "Boobies aid a musical quite a lot." --Lyssa, on Patti LaPone "If I shared data
files, I'd be unsafe. Deep and abiding 'suck'." --Lyssa, on summer season in DC "Normally I would not be so
overt about this - but in light-weight of recent activities, I
will not think I can set this any other way. I consider that
the disparate warring factions associated in this mess all need to just take a hit off the bong and
set on some goddamn Iron Butterfly right before they blow
the world to smithereens." --Number Seven "I'm an odd human being?
I get offense at any conclusion of the entire world that I did
not have a own hand in." --Hasufin "There you are.
The earth we’re moving in direction of, which I think
is a greater environment, retains individuals on their toes, accountable,
they require to fight for it and the kinds that do are basically a lot improved off than they were being
ahead of. If you consider artillery is wonderful." --Newck "It appears
to be like like a triumphal frame of mind would not want the
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#2391 Elizabeth 2024-11-14 15:05
As he hugged her, he might really feel her coronary heart pounding.
His heart thumped, his mouth went dry. Evan went to the tent and dug
deep into their spare backpack for a bundle that he had hid from Jane.
Tears sprang to her eyes, "This waiting is killing me Evan. " They
embraced, Evan wiped away her tears as Jane nodded her settlement.

Finally Evan stood and pulled Jane to her toes.
He stood in entrance of her. She stood before me,
shivering, wearing solely a bra. Despite his apparent willpower to take his punishment silently, Evan’s physique began to rebel
in opposition to his wishes. She started together with her hand.
This partner may also endure hormonal remedy and monitoring,
sonographic monitoring, and a number of embryo transfers.

Meanwhile, aging cowboy Arthur Morgan remains the most
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Mollie: Yeah it's one hundred hours, however it is one of the best hundred hours you'll ever
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That had seemed like a superb plan at the time, however that pending spanking was never removed from their ideas as they tried to make
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#2392 Heath 2024-11-14 15:33
Some ladies, equivalent to Marguerite Yourcenar
and Mary Renault, wrote or translated works of fiction that focused on homosexual men,
like some of the writings of Carson McCullers.

The drug works only when the man experiences some sexual arousal.

The words that accompany this image are nonetheless extra
remarkable: they form an extended negative confession, wherein the useless man declares that he has sinned neither against
man nor against the gods. The man locations the penis inside a plastic cylinder.

A band is tightly secured round the bottom of the penis, which
retains the erection, and the cylinder is eliminated. A vacuum is created, which causes blood to circulation into
the penis, thereby creating an erection. This action maintains persistent ranges
of cyclic GMP, a chemical that is produced within the penis throughout sexual arousal
and which is the first chemical that relaxes easy
muscles and will increase blood move. Frequent erections stimulate
blood flow to the penis. The erection includes solely part of the penis shaft,
and the method will certainly appear peculiar in the beginning.

Mechanism of Actions Sildenafil was originally developed for coronary heart
illness, but was discovered to have a singular mechanism of action that targeted only elements in the penis.

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#2393 Lino 2024-11-14 15:47
Depending on their contract and if the slave is eager to not
be monogamous, a slave may possibly be traded by their Master/Mistress, facilitated by intercourse club activities, personals in BDSM
fascination publications, or internet primarily based social networks.
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#2394 Olga 2024-11-14 16:09
Fant, Clyde E.; Reddish, Mitchell G. (October 15, 2008). Lost
Treasures of the Bible: Understanding the Bible Through Archaeological
Artifacts in World Museums. Longman III, Tremper; Enns,
Peter (June 6, 2008). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship.
Over 450 folks attended from 20 states and 5 nations, and the mayor of San Francisco despatched
a proclamation "commending the bisexual rights neighborhood for its leadership in the reason for social justice",
and declaring June 23, 1990, Bisexual Pride Day.
Pruitt, Sarah (thirteen June 2019). "What Happened on the Stonewall Riots? A Timeline of the 1969 Uprising".

Panned for neglecting to keep issues appropriate to the period and whitewashing what ought to be a really
various and intricately designed function, Exodus:
Gods and Kings made an exodus from the minds of viewers nearly immediately.

In 1868 Sir Alexander Cockburn, Campbell's successor as Lord
Chief Justice, held in an appeal that the check of obscenity was "whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt these whose minds are open to such immoral influences and into whose hands a publication of this sort could fall."
This was clearly a serious change from Campbell's opinion only ten years before - the check now being the impact on somebody open to corruption who obtained a duplicate, not whether
or not the fabric was supposed to deprave or offend.

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#2395 Angie 2024-11-14 16:15
I get that clunkers of episodes where folks truly say detrimental phrases get shortly overshadowed
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I feel it’s secure to say Season 7 didn't span 4 more afterwards.But even just considering via it at a high-degree, there’s no means this is definitely the case.
Maybe 6½ if we need to be extra generous about when birthdays fall.
Below, we have rounded up 59 of the steamiest songs to come
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with Sakura's mom (despite being her first cousin).
In accordance with The Independent, when the writer was prepping the define for his e-book collection "A Song of Ice and Fire", he initially had Arya falling for her half-brother Jon, who is later revealed to be her cousin.

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#2396 Jean 2024-11-14 16:30
Hormones are why men are meant to know to deliver her flowers and chocolate all through
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Knowing about women's hormones is critical because they not only impact behavior, they also figure prominently in women's in general overall
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Have no panic -- following studying our record of 10 things that males should know about women's hormones, you can be that considerably more in tune with the women of all ages
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#2397 Prince 2024-11-14 17:24
Just as there is a contrast between the sexual
and the sexless elements of a man's physique, so there
is a time-alter in his sexuality. Indeed, women themselves may have number of possibilities
other than to sexually objectify by themselves, in a society that values females typically
through their sexuality (Jütten 2016 Marino 2022a, 2022b).

This might be the most pernicious kind of sexual objectification in that social forces
direct or pressure (not always drive) females to adopt these kinds
of self-identifications or self-shows to lead superior lives, although whether they are essentially flourishing is more challenging to gauge.
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One day, he meets the enigmatic Mr. Wednesday (Ian McShane),
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#2399 Miquel 2024-11-14 17:38
They only have emissions with no orgasm and only work really hard
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#2401 Douglas 2024-11-14 18:09
CLERKS (Miramax), a black and white movie about New Jersey convenience store clerks, was originally rated NC-17 as a result of graphic and sexually
specific language is woven throughout the movie. This speaks in opposition to White girls being the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action since they do are typically more qualified
than Blacks and Hispanics but they’re still only proportionally represented, whereas
it could converse for affirmative action benefitting Blacks, and possibly Asians.
The album has offered more than 7 million copies
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#2402 Kennith 2024-11-14 19:16
Third-wave feminist point of view of sex trafficking is loosely linked to
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face sizeable gender discrimination both at home and in university.
For case in point, third-wave feminist proponent Shelley Cavalieri
identifies oppression and privilege in the intersections of race,
course, and gender. Lastly, third-wave feminism promotes raising women's company both equally generally and separately, so
that they have the possibility to act on their individual behalf.
It may well trace back again to the Old Testament belief that disease
of any variety, whether or not psychological or bodily, represented punishment for
sin and therefore aid could acquire the form of a
remaining heroic act of atonement. Dominant feminism emphasizes sexual intercourse trafficking
as compelled prostitution and considers the act exploitative.
#2403 Heike 2024-11-14 20:49
The websites all cater to people who have professed their homosexual and lesbian mother nature, and to those people who may possibly be curious about their sexuality.
Young ladies are also anticipated to check out their sexuality and establish a breadth of sexual understanding just before relationship (Marshall & Suggs, 1971).
These cultures make very clear that what are viewed as sexually usual behaviors
depends on time and put. ’s semen jew (noun) a scapegoat often blamed by gentiles
for their possess moral, social, and monetary shortcomings karen (noun) a center-course white lady who habitually mistakes herself for
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on the online if paid at all their favor commonly costs a fraction of what a
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have worth and pick to are living for on their own on their individual
terms rather of devoting their attempts to satisfying gals who do
not adore or regard them or conforming to the lifetime scripts
offered by hegemonic masculinity. Your child may well sense that he/she needs
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Ginsburg voted with the greater part on this 1, in the 5-4 ruling
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This must include assertiveness instruction, to enable them say no to undesired sexual advancements and to report sexual intercourse abusers.
Aces say that asexuality, like sexuality, exists on a
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her glimpse like that, but not in grey nor so however, nor so younger, nor so peaceful.

The business of consent is usually steeped in stress and anxiety,
as a girl who consents is frequently judged to have free morals, she said.

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Abstaining from sex is the most productive way to
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themselves Buddhists. They also believe that in the
necessary unity of all religions and the inherent equality of all people today.

Although the mind/entire body connection has been acknowledged only
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Chinese drugs. As with Confucianism and other standard Chinese perception systems,
the yin and yang image of harmony and duality is
central to the philosophy. This perception system was primarily
based on the writings of historical Chinese philosopher Lao-tze (also prepared as Laozi).
It does not specifically acknowledge a deity or deities, and numerous religious students
want to classify it as a belief system or spiritual custom relatively than a religion for each se.
The cross is a Christian image, the crescent moon is
involved with Islam and, though it was however afterwards co-opted by the Nazis, the swastika has been symbolic
in a lot of faiths about the system of heritage including Hinduism and sure Native American belief methods.
Polygon author Julia Alexander argued that conditions like "milkshake duck" and "problematic fave" are indicators of present-day
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#2410 Miquel 2024-11-15 02:01
Characteristics OF THE Women OF ENGLAND. In England identified
as a quick head. In England it is merely termed "on," thus a
horse "5-4 on" is in fact at odds of 4-5.
Official- Sign displayed when consequence is confirmed. PENALTIES- Extra fat a horse ought to carry,
specially in a handicap. RACING SECRETARY- Official who drafts ailments of races and assigns weights for handicap events.
Pick Six (or far more)- A kind of wager in which the winners of all the
bundled races need to be chosen. PLATES- Shoes horses
put on in races. Preferred List- Horses with prior legal rights to starting off for
different explanations. Post- Starting level or position in beginning
gate. Post Position- Position of stall in starting up gate from which a horse begins.
Running in a posture with horses in entrance and along with.
QUARTER CRACK- Crack in wall of hoof working downwards
from coronet. Overnight RACE- A race in which entries shut
a precise number of hrs ahead of working (these as forty eight hours),
as opposed to a stakes race for which nominations near weeks and in some cases months in advance.
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#2411 Margo 2024-11-15 02:51
It lived in the Northern Hemisphere (in Asia, Europe, and North America) all through the Eocene,
amongst 60 and forty five million several years ago.
Horses and people have lived and worked jointly for
countless numbers of many years an extensive specialised vocabulary has arisen to describe
practically anything to do with equines. Domestication may have happened
as early as 4500 B.C.E., even though there is speculation that horses were being extensively utilized by people in Babylon,
Assyria, Egypt, and Eurasia as early as 5000 B.C.E. Equine endeavor may
possibly be arranged into three key groups: horse racing, horse displaying,
and satisfaction horses. Horse displays also contain the Western disciplines these originated in the western United States and consist of reining, rodeo, cow horses, slicing, and western enjoyment, among the other individuals.
Several populations of feral horses exist, like people in the western United States
and Canada, normally identified as mustangs. Twelve family members
of odd-toed ungulates have been identified by way of fossil
records, but right now only three people endure: horses and their closest residing
kinfolk the tapirs and rhinoceroses. The genus Equus, to which all residing
equids belong, developed a number of million yrs ago.

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The Verge … Pregnant women of all ages who have PKU will need to stick to this exclusive diet to protect
the baby's producing nervous system. Sapphic verse was employed
by poets who arrived just after her, like the Roman Catullus, Horace and
a great deal afterwards in England by the likes of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Approaching his mid-teens, John Lennon began to reestablish links with his mom, Julia Lennon, who was residing fewer than two
miles absent from his Mendips home. In several tv, radio, and magazine interviews
which he gave to boost the Rock 'n' Roll album, John talked
about the new substance he was putting together for his
upcoming report, and even went so considerably as
to mention a Tv exhibit that would be created in link with it.

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#2416 Derick 2024-11-15 09:36
Now, there are pointers that permit for specific well
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More claims followed, for higher or worse.
And in case you eat extra calories per day, as do some men and athletes, then your most every day quantities shall be larger.
The %DV for fats on a label refers to how a lot of your each day total of fat this one food contributes. The percentage of the Daily Value (%DV) listed on the label for every nutrient shows a food's relative contribution of nutrients.
Labels now use the Daily Value (DV) as the usual beneficial intake for key nutrients at two calorie ranges: 2,000 and 2,
500 calories a day. Be certain to bear in mind, though, that should you consume less than 2,
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#2417 Roosevelt 2024-11-15 10:27
Later, Christian asks Ana out for espresso.
When he asks if she is relationship somebody, Ana replies that
she is single. Taking Kate's place, Ana finds the 27-year-old
Christian each attractive and intimidating. The contract even forbids Ana from touching Christian or making eye contact with him.
Christian informs her that the second contract
will likely be about dominance and submission, and there will likely
be no romantic relationship, solely a sexual
one. Like the French sequence, it'll feature cameos from effectively-recogniz ed actors enjoying themselves, together with Phoebe Dynevor, Dominic West and Helena Bonham Carter.
A stepparent is just not a father or mother, but finally you and your stepchildren will build bonds that reflect
the unique relationship you may have with them. Christian needs to have a sexual relationship with Ana, but she must first fill out some paperwork.
Ana turns into overwhelmed by the potential BDSM arrangement and
having a non-romantic sexual relationship. Once the case reached the Supreme Court, the issues involved seemed so complicated
that the Court actually had both sides present arguments twice, in December 1971 and once more in October 1972.
In January 1973, the Court issued a 7-1 opinion, authored
by Justice Harry Blackmun, which concluded that girls had the suitable to abortion as a result of individual "zones of privacy" derived from the primary, Fourth, Ninth
and 14th Amendments, however that proper had to be balanced
with the state interest in protecting potential human life.

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#2418 Luciana 2024-11-15 10:28
E-3. Airman First Class is accused of committing sexual acts with a baby
between the ages of 12 and 16. Airman denied these allegations
that would end in confinement and registration as a intercourse offender.
Frustrated and still denied the evidence regardless of having detailed military counsel, Mr.
Gapasin represents the Sergeant First Class with either moving forward with NJP or choosing a courtroom-martial.

The Military Judge even guidelines in favor of Gapasin’s Motion that an appearance of Unlawful Command Influence
(UCI) existed when the Staff Judge Advocate and Wing Commander
appeared to affect the base’s Chief Master Sergeant,
who had agreed to testify on behalf of consumer. E-8. Senior Master Sergeant is accused
of 14 specs involving allegations by a female Senior
Airman of sexual harassment, maltreatment, Article a hundred and twenty offenses for abusive
sexual contact and indecent exposure. The former roommate testified
that the consumer would make out with the Senior Airman of their condominium and serve her drinks
despite the fact that she was underage. Gapasin handedly
discredits client’s former roommate, revealing clear reprisal
and a motive to fabricate because Gapasin’s consumer previously gave a press release to
Security Forces that this former roommate had sexually assaulted a feminine Senior

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#2419 Sara 2024-11-15 11:44
Meanwhile, Ricky stops over at Amy's home to pick up
John for the night and Amy informs him her mom has gone with David for the night.
Meanwhile, when Ricky asks Leo for a elevate, Leo provides Ricky the condo above the butcher store and the raise, and David asks Anne to maneuver into their very own home.
Anne reveals that she is a lesbian. Ashley and George lend a hand to Amy and Anne due to their hectic schedules.
Marc Molina, the varsity steerage counselor, resigns at the tip of the college yr, while Anne
begins pushing the divorce after she decides to accept David's marriage proposal.

In the last episode when Adrian recollects her faculty years
and relationships is played "Try with Me" by Nicole Scherzinger.
Let’s be actual: We’re all nerdy weirdos and anyone who tries to deal with the
fandom other sites like chaturbate: a high school reputation contest is totally lacking the purpose of a fandom filled
with nerdy weirdos. Tired from running around, Amy reaches a breaking
point. Amy leaves John with Ricky, so Ricky will take care of him all through Amy's college career.
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For many girls, the cramps they'll obtain are mild to average and only final a couple of minutes.
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I can see this getting used to trace back, for example, nameless letters (yes, they
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It was adopted by "Burning Up" all through which she
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For a brother she may well perhaps entertain a far more intimate attachment,
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Michael Straczynski, on fen challanging his assumptions on the universes he
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--Frank Wilhoit "If you at any time doubt the usefulness of your attempts, don't forget that a substantial total of trees are planted by squirrels hiding nuts and then forgetting where they put 'em." --Sargoth "Government taxes folks based mostly on cash. Charity taxes individuals dependent on kindness." --Kevin Binswanger "The initial thing a theory does is eliminate an individual." --Lord
Peter Wimsey "The most terrifying truth about the universe is not that it is hostile, but that it is indifferent. But if we can occur to phrases with this indifference, then our existence as a species can have genuine meaning. However vast the darkness, we ought to supply our have light-weight." --Stanley Kubrick "The Lord of the Rings: A tale where the social elite coerce a belief-fund kid's tricky-doing the job gardener into shouldering worldwide pitfalls. Before it can be over, he has to physically have his ineffective employer (and their jewellery assortment) up an active volcano." --Edward
Snowden "When I was young and foolish, I believed that there have been loads of negative concepts out there, but not that many really horrible people. But it turns out that these awful individuals not only exist, they run a lot of the globe." --Paul Krugman "When you see something that is technically sweet, you go in advance and do it and you argue about what to do about it only following you have experienced your specialized achievements. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb."

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Johnson, Chris (sixteen February 2011). "Hawaii civil unions invoice advances to governor".
Garber, Andrew (8 February 2012). "Gay-marriage invoice passes House, awaits Gregoire's signature".
Yardley, William (1 February 2012). "Washington State Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill".
17 December 2012. p. Brydum, Sunnivie (5 December 2012).

"Mexico Supreme Court Strikes Down Marriage Ban".
Paulo, Do G1 em São (18 December 2012). "Tribunal divulga norma que regulamenta casamento gay em SP".
Ho, Vanessa (7 November 2012). "Dec. 6: Gay marriage's historical past-making day".
Gray, Stephen (7 June 2012). "Danish parliament approves equal marriage laws".
Goldberg, Adam (15 June 2011). "New York Gay Marriage: State Assembly Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill".
Chase, Randall (15 April 2011). "Delaware Same-Sex Civil Unions Law Heads To Governor For Signature".
Dawson, James (23 April 2013). "Same-sex marriage invoice clears state House".
Pearce, Matt (23 August 2013). "Second New Mexico county now issuing similar-intercourse marriage licenses".
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Incest was sometimes acknowledged as a positive indicator of tyranny in historic Greece.
Walter Scheidel. 2004. "Ancient Egyptian Sibling Marriage and the Westermarck Effect",
in Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: the condition of expertise at the convert of the century
Arthur Wolf and William Durham (eds) Stanford University Press.
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Lust Stories is developed as a sequel to the 2013
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Ghosh. The film score was composed and one music was visitor-composed by Sameer Uddin, whereas rest of the songs
have been composed by Amit Trivedi, Tanishk-Vayu and Prateek Kuhad.
The lyrics were written by Shellee, Kumar Suryavanshi, Prateek
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Countries in Africa and in Asia normally intercept much more conditions of trafficking for compelled labour, while sexual exploitation is relatively more commonly found in Europe and
in the Americas. There are significant regional dissimilarities in the detected types of exploitation.
The Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 has exposed that 30 per
cent of all victims of human trafficking officially detected
globally between 2016 and 2018 are children, up three for
each cent from the interval 2007-2010. The Global Report recorded victims of 137 various nationalities detected in 142 countries between 2012 and 2016, all through
which interval, 500 diverse flows were being recognized. One exception is the Middle East, exactly
where most detected victims are East and South Asians.
Ross and Rachel's on/off relationship is a single of the main themes of
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