Ovdje sve o parku na jednom mjestu. Malo podataka, malo nostalgije, malo ogorčenja, i na kraju - malo zadovoljstva. Jer sve je ipak, dobro ispalo. I malo sličica.
Još 1990. godine, javnosti je prezentirano idejno rješenje uređenja i revitalizacije gradskog parka. Park u središtu Ogulina, pokraj crkve Svetog Križa, počeo se formirati još daleke 1835. godine. Vrijeme je učinilo svoje, tako da se je pokazala potreba za njegovim uređenjem. 1990. godine, javnosti je prezentirano idejno rješenje revitalizacije parka. Najprije je donacijom jednog našeg Ogulinca iz Amerike, obnovljen spomenik kralju Tomislavu, ali je onda rat poremetio postojeće planove. Tamo negdje 2000. godine, ponovno se krenulo s akcijom uređenja. Uređeno je vrelo Cesarovac, ograda oko njega i postavljena nova rasvjeta. U međuvremenu, konzervatori koji u Ogulinu baš i nisu omiljeni, željeli su sačuvati one najvrjednije dijelove parka, u prvom redu vertikalu od crkve Svetog Križa prema Frankopanskoj kuli, što je naravno uvaženo. Na osnovu starog idejnog rješenja, uz nužne promjene, sačinjen je novi projekt. Postojala je dilema oko drveća u parku. Mr. Marijan Ocvirek, stručnjak za hortikulturu, rekao je tada da postoje dvije verzije. Jedna, da se sve sruši i da se napravi potpuno novi park, po svim pravilima, i druga – da se u parku posijeku drveća koja su dotrajala, te da se zasade nova.
Gradsko se je vodstvo odlučilo za drugu varijantu – ruši sve, i sadi novo. I izazvalo salvu kritika ogorčenih Ogulinaca. Bila je to 2008 godina.
Sada, kada vidim, kako nam je novi park svakim danom ljepši, i kako ga osim mladih, prihvaćaju i oni starije generacije Ogulinaca, naprosto me moram ispričati onima, koji su srušili devastirani stari park i zasadili novi. Imali su viziju i bili su u pravu. A nama na stari park, ostaje samo sjećanje.
Stara razglednica parka.
Svakim danom sve je manje onih, koji ga se ovakvoga sjećaju.
Ovo je malo duži post u kome sam želio samo podsjetiti na kronologiju događaja oko našeg parka. Pa ako van se da, čitajte, ili samo pogledajte fotkice. Evo što sam tada pisao. Malo oštriji vokabular, rezultat je šoka izazvanog rušenjem onda dragoga nam parka.
Prošlo je četiri, pet godina, otkada je porušen stoljetni ogulinski gradski park (2008.). Ne znam da li postoji tema koja je više obrađivana na lokalnim blogovima i u komentarima. Osobno sam redovito pisao o tome, još čuvam sve te tekstove, i još mi nikako nije jasno zašto se odustalo od stava - „ništa ne rušiti, svako stablo liječiti“, da bi se onda preko noći taj stav promijenio u osudu: „sve rušiti (preko 100 lipa) i gradi novo“. Volio bi jednom saznati ime čovjeka koji je parku okrenuo palac dolje i na smrt osudio jedan od simbola grada. Kada je sve porušeno, kao kod mnogih Ogulinaca, i u meni je ostalo samo ogorčenje i tuga. Jer parkovi su duša grada. Zelene oaze mira, tišine, malih tajni i velikih ljubavi. Parkovi su svjedoci jednog vremena, urbanog štiha, svjedoci generacija koje su u njima stasale.
Ne znajući kuda sa sobom u ovo čudnovato i blesavo proljetno vrijeme, „šnjofam“ malo po KAportalu. I čitam kako će Karlovčani uređivati Marmontovu aleju u Dubovcu, Vrbanićev perivoj, Šetalište dr. Franje Tuđmana. Ruše stara, bolesna drva, i odmah sade nova. Čuvaju ljubomorno Karlovčani dio svoje kulture, dio povijesti, dio grada što im oni prije njih, ostaviše u nasljeđe. Čitam i kako su građani promptno reagirali na rušenje 100 godišnjih platana i fizički onemogućili da se tako nešto učini…
I onda se s gorčinom, i nekom sitnom tugom sjetim, kako je kod nas, jedan od simbola Ogulina, park kralja Tomislava u središtu grada, srušen bez milosti do posljednje lipe. Meni, malom, beznačajnom kroničaru za grad značajnih zbivanja, preostalo je samo, onako iz srca, upisati nekoliko redaka, tek toliko, da se ne zaboravi. Od barbarskog rušenja gradskog parka prošlo je već nekoliko godina i zelenilo proljeća bez njega nekako više nije isto. Zapravo, ništa više nije isto, otkada nam, onako mučki, potajice ukradoše stoljetno zelenilo uspomena.
Tekst koji slijedi, bila je prva reakcija na rušenje parka.
"U gradskom parku "pali su tada i „posljednji Mohikanci". Preostale lipe, zasađene još 1835. godine od "tuđinske" ruke krajiškog časnika Schenckela, "pale" su od isto tako "tuđinskih" Stihlovki u rukama domaćih hrvatskih djelatnika. I tako ode jedan simbol grada kao da ga nikada nije ni bilo. Na istom mjestu, neki novi Schenkeli, zasadili su neki novi park, za "neke nove klince". Nama, koji smo satkani od malih, možda i bespotrebnih uspomena, onaj stari park biti će samo odsjaj nekih prošlih dana, biti će naš bijeg u mladost, bezbrižnost, djetinjstvo. Nama koji smo rasli uz njega, njegova osuda na smrt, teško je pala. Teško, jer znamo da je otišao u nepovrat, zauvijek. A kada se susrećemo s neumitnošću života, ono "zauvijek", najviše boli. Jer znači konačni rastanak. Nekima koji žive u ovom gradu a nikada nisu bili njegov dio, nikako nije jasno zašto to tamo neki sjetni ljudi sipaju tugu za običnom hrpom drveća. Nikada im to i neće biti jasno. Jer nikada nisu treperili u sjeni stoljetnih lipa zaneseni prvom ljubavi, nikada nisu u sigurnosti istih tih lipa krali prve poljupce, nikada nisu primijetili neke ptice visoko u krošnjama i čuli njihovu pjesmu, nikada nisu i neće moći shvatiti tihi zanos tajnih gimnazijskih ljubavi skrivenih u onim istim krošnjama, s onim istim pticama i njihovim pjevom. Jedan simbol grada osuđen je na smrt bez prava na žalbu. I više ga nema. Falit će i Franki i Janji, Iveti i Miketi, i Zvoneti i Stipeti i teti Mandi "kaj nediljom črez njega idu u crikvu na prvu mašu". Faliti će i nekim mladim mamama i njihovim klincima i klincezama, faliti će penzićima koji su u hladu stoljetnih krošanja razglabali svoje uspomene, faliti će i curicama kojima prvi puta zaigra nešto u njedrima, a nisu sigurne što je, pa u tišini parka traže smiraj i trenutak predaha. Faliti će putniku namjerniku. Faliti će klincima koji su u njegovom dostojanstvenom miru „trusili“ bambus u dvolitrenoj boci kole, na gitari hvatali neke falš tonove i onako usput, nenadano, krali prve, nezaboravne poljupce. Jedan park s kojim smo rođeni i živjeli, manjkati će Ogulincima. Na istom mjestu polako, užasno, užasno polako, niče novi park, možda i ljepši od ovog našeg staroga. S još većim i možda ljepšim stablima. Znam ja to dobro. Ali shvatite me. Nemam više vremena čekati da stablo naraste u svojoj punoj ljepoti i raskoši. I zato nevoljko priznajem – nisam ja tužan samo zbog parka mog djetinjstva. Tužan sam onako, sebično, i zbog sebe. Tužan što više neću moći biti razigrani klinac pod njegovim rascvalim krošnjama, što neću moći biti dječak koji u njemu otkriva tajne prve ljubavi, što neću moći vidjeti njegovu novu ljepotu znajući da ono što dolazi, više neće biti moje vrijeme. Neki čudni ljudi ukradoše meni i Ogulincima park, a da nas ni pitali nisu".
Objavio sam ovo u kolumni Kaportala. 12. 4. 2013.
I jedna zanimljivost oko novog parka. Ja sam onako u zajebanciji rekao:
"Neće ovo biti dobro. Nabavili nove mlade lipe iz Firence u Italiji, u kamionu i prikolici iz Slovenije dopeljal u Ogulin Bosanac, a onda lipe zasadili Riječani". Puno babic, kilavo dite.
Hajde, na sreću, ispalo odlično.
I to je sve. A sada, da se neki podsjete, a neki prvi puta vide, što se u parku događalo te 2008. evo malo sličica.
Počelo je, počelo.
Još malo, pa gotovo. Stari park će nam ostati samo na slikama.
Na redu je druga faza - zasađena prva lipa.
Lipe iz Firence, dovezao Bosanac (desno), u kamionu i prikolici slovenske registracije, a sve zasadili Riječani.
I sada - novi park. Kralju malo čudno, tko je maznuo drva bez izvoznice.
Evo već i prvog hlada.
Dvije fotkice iz zraka. Zgodno.
Za kraj ove male foto šetnje - kralj Tomislav u novoj i .......
i u staroj varijanti. Dok novi park naraste, bome ćemo se načekat.
14. 11. 2023.
Nebojša Magdić
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1. Что важно знать
Первое, что нужно знать, это то, что возрастной порог для работы проституткой составляет 18 лет. Если вам еще нет 18 лет, то вы не можете работать проституткой ни в салоне, ни в специализированном месте.
2. Типы заведений:
Существует несколько различных типов заведений, где можно работать проституткой в Тюмени: салоны, клубы, массажные салоны и т.д. Каждый тип заведения имеет свои особенности и преимущества.
* Салоны - это специализированные учреждения, которые предлагают широкий спектр интимных услуг, включая секс, стриптиз, эротический массаж и многое другое. В салонах часто есть несколько проституток, которые работают в качестве индивидуалок или в группах.
* Клубы - это места, где проститутки могут работать как танцовщицы или развлекательные актрисы, предлагая стриптиз, частные танцы и другие виды интимных шоу. Некоторые клубы также предлагают секс-услуги в отдельных комнатах.
* Массажные салоны - это места, где проститутки могут работать как массажистки, предлагая различные виды массажа, а также дополнительные услуги, такие как эротический танец или стриптиз.
* Работать индивидуалкой, сокращенно инди. Для этого вам необходимо размещать свои данные (фото, номер телефона) на различных сайтах, предлагающих размещение анкет для проституток, как например сайт КосмоТрах
При выборе типа заведения важно учитывать свои личные предпочтения и навыки. Если вы любите выступать на публике, то клуб может быть идеальным местом для вас. Если вам больше нравится работать индивидуально с клиентами в частной обстановке, салон или массажный салон могут быть лучшим выбором. Ну и повторимся специализированный сайт, где вы размещаете свою анкету самостоятельно и далее работаете только на себя.
3. Цены и оплата:
Цены на интимные услуги проституток в Тюмени варьируются в зависимости от типа заведения и предлагаемых услуг. В среднем, цены на обычные сексуальные услуги в салонах начинаются от 2000 до 10000 рублей за час. В клубах цены могут быть выше, особенно если вы выступаете в качестве танцовщицы или стриптизерши.
Оплата обычно происходит наличными деньгами при встрече с клиентом. Некоторые заведения также принимают оплату через банковский перевод или платежные карты.
4. Безопасность и безопасный секс:
Безопасный секс является важнейшим фактором, когда дело доходит до работы проституткой в Тюмени. Всегда используйте презервативы во время полового акта и избегайте любых других видов незащищенного секса.
Также важно поговорить со своим клиентом о безопасности перед началом секса. Обсудите, какие именно виды сексуальных контактов вам будут доступны и как вы оба можете остаться в безопасности во время занятий сексом.
5. Документы и лицензии:
Чтобы работать проституткой в Тюмени законно, вам не нужны специальные лицензии от городских властей либо каких-либо документов. Самое важное, чтобы вам исполнилось 18 лет.
В заключение:
Работать проституткой в Тюмени можно успешно, если вы хорошо владеете своим телом, следите за собой, стремитесь познавать новые техники в сексе, любите своих клиентов и свою работу. С соблюдением всех этих условий вы можете стать успешной проституткой в городе и получать весьма высокие доходы от своей работы.
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Aug 10 (Reuters) - Surging COVID-19 infections in big states
like California, Texas and Florida are scaring shoppers away from newly reopened
malls, dealing a blow to an industry that was on the ropes even before the pandemic began.
Simon Property Group, the No. 1 U.S. mall owner,
is expected to post its smallest quarterly profit in nearly six years on Monday, as the plunge in foot traffic and early government-mandated
closures resulted in tenants being unable or unwilling to pay full rent.
"The upcoming earnings for mall owners could be one of the worst quarters ever," said Compass
Point Research & Trading analyst Floris van Dijkum.
The pain from a slew of major retail bankruptcies, including
Neiman Marcus and Brooks Brothers, and hundreds of store closures from department stores Macy's and Nordstrom and others is far from over for shopping malls, as the coronavirus
pandemic takes a toll on brick-and-mortar retailers that were already losing sales
to online competitors.
Simon has full or partial ownership in seven of the nation's top 10 malls, as
measured by sales of mall tenants. Its indoor malls in pandemic-ravaged states have been hit particularly hard.
Foot traffic was down more than 50% at Houston's upscale Galleria and at
Miami's Aventura Mall in mid-July, according to cellphone tracking data provided by Unacast.
Even Simon's outdoor Sawgrass Mills outlet center in Florida,
the No. 1 U.S. mall, was not immune, with traffic in mid-July
off 37% as COVID-19 infections spiked. But at Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, an outdoor mall in New York, where infections are in check, the decline was only 8%.
For an interactive graphic on weekly foot traffic at the 10 biggest U.S.
malls, click here: website
Simon's strong liquidity position, helped by its June decision to abandon a $3.6 billion deal to buy Taubman Centers ,
is expected to help it weather the worst of the pandemic.
It had nearly $4 billion of cash or cash equivalents at
the end of March.
But analysts say it has a mighty battle ahead as its retail tenants fight for their lives.
Simon did not respond to a request for comment.
Reuters reported in June that Indianapolis-based Simon and peer Brookfield Property Partners were in joint talks to bid on J.C.
Penney, a major department store anchor for malls that filed for bankruptcy in May and whose survival hinges on urgent sale negotiations.
"When you have to start buying your tenants, you're in a big problem," said Scott Crowe,
chief investment strategist at CenterSquare Investment Management.
"It's the complete antithesis of being a landlord. The only reason one would buy a retailer is because it's the least worst option and they know they won't be able to lease that space to anyone else," he said.
It is not, however, Simon's first stab at buying a retailer.
Simon and Brookfield, along with a third company,
acquired teen apparel chain Forever 21 last February, and Simon in 2016 was part of a consortium that bought another teen apparel retailer, Aeropostale
On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal, citing sources, reported that Simon and Inc are exploring converting mall space formerly occupied by J.C.
Penney and Sears Holding Corp into Amazon distribution centers.
Simon did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
An Amazon spokeswoman said the company has a policy of not commenting on rumors or speculation. Sears and J.C.
Penney both declined to comment.
The challenges now are intense. Companies like Coach handbag maker Tapestry Inc
smarting from falling store traffic say mall retailers
need rent reductions to survive.
Mall rents, which grew 2.5% annually over the past four
years, could fall as much as 4.3% in 2020, according to
real estate analytics company CoStar Group.
Still, experts are betting that malls will have a place,
albeit much smaller, in the post-pandemic world as many shoppers still prefer to see, touch and try before they
"At some point when enough malls flush out, those who survive - the Simons and Maceriches of the world - will come out stronger," said Michael Jerbich,
president of B. Riley Real Estate.
(Reporting by Uday Sampath in Bengaluru and Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles;
Editing by Leslie Adler)
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of the most irresistible - a bar called Dante.
This Greenwich Village Italian-style aperitivo bar has just claimed
the Perrier-sponsored World's Best Bar Award, jumping eight places from 2018,
MailOnline Travel can exclusively reveal.
The gong was handed out at London's Roundhouse tonight as part of The World's 50 Best Bars 2019 awards, which
was dominated by the UK, with 10 bars in the prestigious ranking, and the
USA, with seven - six in New York and one in San Francisco.
Dante, pictured, has just claimed the Perrier-sponsored World's Best Bar Award,
jumping eight places from 2018
The awards organisers said: 'Dante [pictured] serves superb coffee and cocktails, as well
as high-quality food, becoming an international drinks destination at the same
time as retaining a buzzing neighbourhood bar vibe'
Dante is owned by two Australians, Nathalie Hudson and Linden Pride, with creative direction by another Aussie, Naren Young.
Here's the team at the Roundhouse with their winners award.
Pictured left to right: A Perrier representative; Naren Young, Dante's Creative Director; Linden Pride, Dante's Owner; Liana Oster, Dante's Head Bartender; Melanie Weitzner, Co-Founder
Lion & Lamb Communications (Dante's PR Company); Rachel
Harrison, Co-Founder Lion & Lamb Communications and Rodrigo Leme, Dante's Director of Business Development
Dante is known for its excellent Negronis (left).
And the martinis are top drawer (pictured right)
Dante, which first opened its doors in 1915, is actually owned by two Australians,
Nathalie Hudson and Linden Pride, with creative direction by
another Aussie, Naren Young.
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The awards organisers said: 'Dante serves superb coffee and cocktails, as well
as high-quality food, becoming an international drinks destination at the same time as retaining a buzzing neighbourhood
bar vibe.'
The No2 spot is occupied by the revered Connaught Bar, housed
in the uber-swanky Connaught Hotel in London's Mayfair district.
The No2 spot is occupied by the revered Connaught Bar (pictured),
housed in the uber-swanky Connaught Hotel in London's
The staff will drink to that: Connaught Bar (pictured) also scooped the coveted Best Bar
in Europe prize
Although it missed out on the ultimate gong, it did scoop the coveted Best Bar in Europe prize, sponsored by Michter's.
In third place and named The Best Bar in South America,
sponsored by Seedlip, is Florería Atlántico in Buenos Aires, Argentina, an improvement of
11 places compared to last year.
The fourth-place slot, meanwhile, is taken by NYC's The NoMad and in fifth place is the American Bar in London's five-star Savoy hotel.
In third place and named The Best Bar in South America, is Florería
Atlántico in Buenos Aires (pictured)
Florería Atlántico climbed 11 places to claim the No3 spot.
Pictured are two of its concoctions
The Florería Atlántico team are all smiles - and no wonder, they
run a bar with a global reputation for classy cocktails
American Bar also takes the Legend of the List accolade, sponsored by Asahi,
awarded to a bar that has performed most consistently in the history of the ranking.
The other U.S bars on the list are New York's Attaboy
(No7), The Dead Rabbit (No22), Employees Only (No26) and
Katana Kitten (No14) - the latter snagging the award for Best New Opening, sponsored by
Thomas Henry. San Francisco's Trick Dog (No42), completes the American contingent.
The other British bars in the ranking are also in London - Three Sheets
(No16), Coupette (No23), Scout (No28), Lyaness (No39), Happiness Forgets
(No40), Swift (No41), Kwānt (No47) and Artesian, which takes 48th place.
NYC's The NoMad takes fourth place. The U.S
boasts an impressive seven bars in the Top 50 ranking
All but one of the U.S bars in the top 50 is in New York.
San Francisco's Trick Dog (No42) completes the American contingent.
Pictured is a flamboyant NoMad drink
Lyaness and Kwānt are making their debuts, while Artesian is a re-entry.
The UK can also be proud of Monica Berg, the co-owner of innovative new London bar Tayēr + Elementary
(No52), who has been named the Altos Bartenders' Bartender 2019, 'reflecting her
influence as a positive and passionate voice for change, education and increased professionalism in the drinks sector'.
Spain boasts three bars on this year's list,
including Madrid's Salmón Gurú (No19), which is also the winner of the Highest Climber Award,
sponsored by Tanqueray, having leapt an impressive
28 places in the ranking from last year. New entry Dr. Stravinsky (No25) joins fellow
Barcelona bar Paradiso (No20) on the list.
The American Bar (pictured) is fifth overall. It's housed
in the swanky Savoy hotel in London
The staff at American Bar pose proudly in front of the bar.
It's said to be one of the most historically important bars open today
The cocktails at the American Bar almost count as works of
art. American Bar also takes the Legend of the List accolade, awarded to a bar that has
performed most consistently in the history of the ranking
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lengthy NFL career, that is, if the Washington Commanders tight
end cares the most about how he lines his pockets.
Ertz earned $750,000 in bonuses from the victory over the Atlanta Falcons alone.
Three different quarter-of-a-million contract incentives cashed during the
five periods of action, with one coming on the final play of the game.
Ertz's first $250K bonus was for going over 600 receiving yards on the season.
Then, he reached a half-million by catching 60 or more passes in 2024.
Then, on the decisive play of the game, Ertz made
a spectacular catch on a Jayden Daniels pass, to clinch Washington its first playoff berth since
That grab doubled with his sixth touchdown catch of the season, enacting the final $250,
000 bonus of the evening. That's one lucrative evening for the 34 year old.
Zach Ertz may have had the best regular-season game of his lengthy NFL career for
Ertz took home $750K from three bonuses that each cashed against the Falcons on Sunday
Ertz is in his first season with the Commanders,
being brought to the nation's capital as one more veteran target to help a rookie Daniels.
Read More
Eagle-eyed NFL fans slam 'woke' NBC for graphic comparing Jayden Daniels and Robert Griffin III
Both the No 2 overall pick in this year's NFL Draft and the veteran tight end have played beyond expectations and led Washington to its best regular season record
in more than three decades.
The Commanders will be the No 6 or 7 seed in the playoffs, meaning a trip to Philadelphia, where Ertz played for eight
seasons, or Los Angeles, will be the Wild Card round matchup.
Ertz has enjoyed a career renaissance playing again in the NFC East, reaching more than 600 yards
receiving with one team for the first time since 2019.
The only thing that could make Ertz's regular season better?
A win over the Commanders' biggest rivals, the Dallas Cowboys, who they play on Sunday afternoon.
Washington Commanders
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to identify herself in photos - due to an unusual condition has revealed how people thought she was just 'up herself'.
Lulu Rose, who lives near Auckland, suffers from prosopagnosia
- also known as 'face blindness' that affects about one in 50 people.
While Lulu can see faces as normal, she can't remember them -
even if she's seen them hundreds of times.
Instead, she uses other factors like a person's
voice and smell to identify them.
Lulu Rose, who lives near Auckland in New Zealand,
suffers from prosopagnosia - also known as 'face blindness' that affects around one in 50 people
Lulu has lived with the condition unknowingly for most
of her life, thinking it was normal until 10 years ago, when, aged 40,
she overheard someone discussing the condition on TV.
'Growing up I didn't realise it wasn't something that other people have,' she told FEMAIL.
'Ten years ago, I was with someone who was watching TV and this person was discussing how they were
working in an office and when someone wasn't at their desk, they
couldn't find them.
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'My ears pricked up - I'd had the exact same experience.
'The person on TV then talked about meeting people at the airport.
He was saying he had trouble.
'I had a huge revelation. Someone had put it into
words what I'd always felt.
While she can see faces as normal, Lulu (centre, pictured with friends) can't remember them, even if she's seen them hundreds of times
'I googled it afterwards, and there was still a
fair bit of information out there.
'I then did an online test. The results said I had that said I had face blindness, and I told my
family and friends.
'They all said "no wonder" we always thought you were up yourself or too lazy to learn faces'.
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187ft on a Harley-Davidson
Updated: 08:40 GMT, 2 March 2010
An American motorcycle stuntman twice broke the world
record for the longest distance jumped on a Harley- Davidson motorcycle Tuesday, sailing through the air
near Australia's Sydney Harbour to shatter the previous ten-year-old
Seth Enslow flew to a new record distance of 183.7 feet on his
Harley-Davidson XR1200 shortly after a 175 foot jump.
Bubba Blackwell set the previous record with a 157 foot jump in Las Vegas in 1999.
'This is awesome! I'm stoked!' Enslow
said after entering the record books.
Painful: Enslow holds himself after a heavy landing during practise and, right, the dirt bike rider relaxes after
breaking the record
Enslow appeared to be in pain after the jump, but members of his stunt team said he was fine.
'We've worked hard at creating history and we're all glad he landed it safely,' Harley-Davidson spokesman Adrian O'Donoughue said.
Enslow's jump is not a Guinness World Record as Guinness has no category for specific motorcycles,
but it still stands as a world record. Evel Knievel set the record in 1975 and held it for 24
years before Blackwell's jump.
Enslow bought his first dirtbike at the age of 16 and started to race as an amateur in New York and Florida.
He moved to California In 1993, where he met up with film
makers Dana Nicholson, and Jon and Cami Freeman.
In 1994 they released their first film Crusty Demons of Dirt showcasing the underground motocross movement out in the deserts and badlands in USA.
The film featured Enslow jumping a sand dune and crashing hard.
The distance he traveled was never measured but it's speculated to be about 250 feet.
The movie quickly spawned a sequel and once again Seth made an impact by coming up
short on a jump and landing on supercross racer Jeremy McGrath's practice
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Shortly before half-time, Kante did something almost unthinkable - he
miscontrolled the ball, sending it flying off 15 yards in front of him towards
the corner.
Most players would have given it up for a goal kick then and there, forcing a sheepish smile as the crowd cheered ironically.
Not Kante.
N'Golo Kante produced another brilliant performance as Chelsea beat West Ham 2-1
The French midfielder has shown consistent excellent throughout the season
Chelsea have re-established their 10-point advantage at the
top of the Premier League
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Eden Hazard...
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The Chelsea midfielder sprinted off in pursuit, rescued
the lost cause, made Sofiane Feghouli look like a dunce twice,
and played a perfect pass to the feet of Eden Hazard.
Naturally, the 10-second clip went viral on social media.
'Kante's so good, he has started playing passes to himself,' joked the disbelieving masses.
Even manager Antonio Conte dissolved into a fit of laughter when asked whether he could find any fault with
Kante's performance.
'He made five mistakes. He has to improve on this. He has to improve,' said the Italian with tongue in cheek.
'I am joking. But I have to find one situation to tell him to improve.
He's playing really well.'
Chelsea manager Antonio Conte joked afterwards there is room for
Kante to improve
Kante challenges the West Ham captain Mark Noble during Monday night's match
The France international keeps a close eye on West Ham striker Andy Carroll during the
Playing so well, in fact, that the (almost)
unimprovable Kante must surely clean up at the Player of the Year
awards between now and the end of the season.
As Chelsea re-established a double-figure advantage at the top of the Premier League following their 2-1 win at
the London Stadium, their goalscorers Hazard and Diego Costa are inevitably in the running for the gongs.
It's a whole lot harder to earn recognition in such things when you don't score goals
or ping 60-yard passes, but Kante is deserving for
the consistent excellence he continues to show.
Let's look at the stats. Kante has made 94 tackles in his 26 Premier League games this season, the second highest in the
division behind Everton's Idrissa Gueye (102).
Kante ranks among the Premier League's best tacklers and interceptors this
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to reopen next week, but the chain will only be accepting table service.
From 17th May, people will be able to eat inside restaurants after months of
closures due to lockdown.
While the fast food giant has been open for takeaway
and delivery over the past year, the chain is now letting
customers back into stores, after some branches opened for outdoor dining last month.
McDonald's restaurants across England and Wales are
set to reopen next week, but the chain will only be accepting table service.
Pictured: Food is served at McDonald's in Rutland
McDonald's is also encouraging customers to order through
the app to stay as Covid-safe as possible, with those wanting
to dine inside restaurants selecting the 'eat in' option when ordering from their phones.
The chain has added numbers to all of its tables, which customers will need to add with staff then bringing food to the table.
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To make sure they comply with social distancing, the chain will have less seats than usual.
McDonald's is currently open for outdoor dining for up to six customers at restaurants that have available outdoor seating - exclusively for those ordering
via the My McDonald's App.
From 17th May, people will be able to eat inside restaurants after
months of closures due to lockdown.
It comes after McDonald's delighted fans by announcing the return of their Bacon Clubhouse Double
and the Chicken Deluxe for their summer menu.
The £4.79 Bacon Clubhouse Double Burger is 667 calories and is made from two 100 per cent beef patties, two rashers of Beechwood smoked bacon, a slice of cheddar cheese, onions, tomato, lettuce and Special Sauce
in a golden brioche bun.
For those who prefer chicken, the fast food giant has also brought back the Chicken Deluxe burger for £4.39.
Made of two crunchy Chicken Selects layered with smooth
Emmental cheese, lettuce, and red onions, it's topped with a zesty
tomato relish and cool mayo.
Other classic faves recently returned are those little balls of joy - Cheese and Herb Melts (£1.89) served with a rich tomato dip and the Galaxy Chocolate McFlurry and the Galaxy Caramel
McFlurry (£1.39) - back by popular demand.
The ultimate chocolatey dessert made from soft dairy ice cream,
swirled with Galaxy chocolate pieces and either a chocolate or smooth caramel sauce.
Both available as a Mini McFlurry (£0.99).
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3D-printed guns and a sodium bomb, a court has heard.
Simon Pilgrim, 41, was arrested following a police raid of his home within a multi-occupancy in King Alfred Street,
Derby, in December last year.
In a subsequent search of his property, officers
found 13 viable improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in his room
and the burnt remains of 40 more in the back garden.
He is standing trial at the Old Bailey charged with three counts of possession of an explosive substance in relation to black powder,
'rocket candy' and pyrotechnic fuses. He also denies three counts
of possession of a document for terrorist purposes.
Police were forced to evacuate Pilgrim's neighbours while they removed
the devices from his home
Man, 40, denies possessing 'rocket candy' explosives and a...
Man is arrested on suspicion of making or possessing an...
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The court heard today that Pilgrim was asked prior
to the search whether he had anything dangerous inside the house, to which he responded: 'There's an ottoman in my room.
Inside it is a shoe box and inside that are small bangers.
They just make noise.'
But Emma Gargitter, prosecuting, suggested he had turned his room into a 'storage space and workshop for manufacturing
explosive devices'.
Items seized included cut pipes and end caps, resin kits and moulds
for making knife blades and knuckle dusters, a bag containing black clothes, a lock pick kit and elbow and knee
pads, IED casing, body armour and a notebook of explosives recipes.
Overall, there was around 307g of homemade explosives and
the chemical precursors to make about 824g more, the court was told.
Pilgrim allegedly began buying items linked to the manufacture of explosives in bulk from eBay and Amazon last August.
Analysis of his phone allegedly uncovered three video clips of the
defendant setting off IEDs of ever-increasing size and strength of detonation in his garden last autumn.
He is also said to have shown an interest in 'survival and
self-defence' through the purchase of a volume of the book 100 Deadly Skills: A Navy Seal's Guide To Crushing Your
Enemy, it was claimed.
Pligrim also considered buying another book called How To Survive The
End Of The World As We Know It: From Financial Crisis To Flu Epidemic, jurors heard.
Shortly before the police raid, Pilgrim allegedly searched
Google and YouTube for how to make items such
as a flamethrower, 3D printed gun and sodium
Some 50 houses were evacuated until the bomb squad ensured the area was safe
Ms Gargitter said the possession of the the books 100 Deadly Skills, FM 5-31 Boobytrap and The Anarchist
Cookbook were of 'particular concern' and the subject of three charges against him.
Following his arrest, Pilgrim told police
he was seeking to create a safer form of firework and that he wanted to open a firework
He told officers: 'When I do make explosive compounds... I make small amounts.
I don't want to make large amounts because that will get me into trouble.'
In interview, Pilgrim also spoke of being a 'prepper' - an individual preparing for an impending war or disaster.
When asked by officers why a 'prepper' would be required
to have IEDs, he answered: 'Oh, no. That is something different.'
He said the devices were meant to be an improvement on fireworks to make them safer and he never meant to
harm anyone.
Pilgrim went on to say he purchased a stab vest for paintballing and had taken an archery
course to do more training.
But Ms Gargitter told the court: 'At the heart of this case lies his
interest in explosives and explosive devices.
'Evidence will be adduced to show that this interest was unregulated, dangerous and without a lawful purpose.
'Whilst the Crown do not set out to prove Mr Pilgrim was
intending to use these documents and explosives to cause injury
to persons or damage to property, his activities did incur a significant risk that such harm
might be caused, even if only inadvertently.'
She said while Pilgrim may have been interested in fireworks, the
evidence showed that late last year he had become 'fascinated
by weapons, self-defence and survival'.
'Boredom, curiosity and a desire to simply experiment'
then led Pilgrim to take even greater risks, she suggested.
The trial continues.
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