Tvrtki Vodovod i kanalizacija Ogulin odobrena su sredstva za provedbu projekta izgradnje vodovodnih ogranaka naselja Jusići, Kukići, Miščevići i Vucelići na području Gornjih Dubrava te glavnog dovodnog cjevovoda za naselje Popovo Selo. Radi se o sredstvima Europske unije namijenjenim za Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti (dalje NPOO).

 Projekt je na natječaj prijavljen 2021. godine, u mandatu Bojana Prebežića, sadašnjeg direktora tvrtke Vodovod i kanalizacija Ogulin. Nadležno tijelo je Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja, provedbeno tijelo su Hrvatske vode, korisnik je Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Ogulin, a partner na projektu je Grad Ogulin.

 Gradonačelnik Ogulina Dalibor Domitrović i direktor tvrtke Vodovod i kanalizacija Ogulin Bojan Prebežić danas su u Hrvatskim vodama u Zagrebu potpisali ugovore za dodjelu sredstava i za sufinanciranje. Prihvatljivi troškovi iznose 1.450.491,00 eura, od čega će EU financirati 80% iznosa ili 1.160.392,80 eura, Hrvatske vode financiraju 10% iznosa, odnosno 145.049,10 eura, a Grad Ogulin i tvrtka Vodovod i kanalizacija Ogulin financiraju po 5% spomenutog iznosa , odnosno po 72.524,55 eura.

Idući korak je provedba postupka javne nabave za izvedbu radova.

1. 3. 2024.


#31 Derek 2025-03-08 17:23
12 Amazing Ways To Get Perfectly Sharp Jawline

**Amazing Ways to Get Perfectly Chiseled And Sharp

A sharp jawline is often associated with confidence and
good looks. While some may inherit it through genetics,
many people strive to achieve it through various methods. Whether you're
aiming for a more defined jaw or want to enhance your facial
structure, here are some amazing ways to get that perfectly chiseled

How to Get a Perfect Jawline?

Your jawline is more than just a feature—it’s a reflection of your overall health
and well-being. By incorporating the right techniques and habits into your daily routine,
you can achieve a jawline that stands out.
Let's dive into some effective methods:

Jawline Exercise

Exercises specifically targeting the jaw muscles can help
in achieving a more defined jawline. Chin lifts, jaw clenching, and side face exercises are excellent starting points.
These movements work on the muscles beneath the skin, leading to better contour.

Smile More Often

Smiling not only brightens your mood but can also contribute to a
more defined jawline. The act of smiling engages the facial muscles, which can help in toning and lifting the cheeks and jaw area over time.


Contouring is a popular method among beauty enthusiasts.
Using contouring products like highlighters and bronzers can help emphasize
your jawline while minimizing areas that might make it look softer.
This technique creates the illusion of a sharper jawbone.

Make a Fish Face

This may sound unusual, but making a "fish face" by lifting
your cheeks and pulling back your lips can help in toning the facial
muscles and giving the appearance of a more defined
jawline. Practice this exercise a few times a day for best results.

Massage Your Face

Gently massaging your face, especially around the jawline area, can improve blood circulation and reduce
tension in the facial muscles. This can lead to a more relaxed and defined look over time.

Drinking Water

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health,
but it also plays a role in maintaining your jawline.
Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins and keeps your skin healthy,
which contributes to a sharper appearance.

Say A, E, I, O, U

Speaking vowels can help work the facial muscles. Try saying each vowel repeatedly, focusing on how it feels in your mouth and jaw area.
This can tone and lift the facial muscles, enhancing your jawline.

Chew Gum to Get That Chiseled Jawline

Chewing gum is not just for fresh breath. It can also help in toning the muscles of your jaw and
neck, giving you a more chiseled look. Plus, it keeps your
mouth active and healthy.

Practice Chin Lifts

Chin lifts are an easy exercise that can be done anywhere.
Sit or stand straight, then lift your chin as high
as possible while keeping your head level. Hold for a few seconds and
repeat several times to feel the muscles working.

Clench Your Jaw

Gently clenching your jaw muscles can help in strengthening
them and creating a more pronounced jawline.
Avoid clenching too hard, as it may lead to tension headaches or discomfort.

Eat Less Salt

Salt intake can affect both your health and your appearance.

Eating less salt can help reduce bloating and
puffiness in the face, making your jawline appear more sharp and defined.

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep is essential for recovery and renewal of your body.
A good night’s sleep helps in maintaining
healthy muscle tone and skin health, which contributes
to a sharper jawline.


Beauty trends come and go, but some methods remain timeless.
Whether it's contouring or facial exercises,
these techniques have stood the test of time and continue
to be popular for achieving that perfect

In conclusion, achieving a perfectly sharp jawline is not just about
luck—it’s about consistency and dedication.
By incorporating these methods into your daily routine,
you can work towards a jawline that makes
you look effortlessly stylish and confident. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so embrace your unique features while striving for the changes you desire.

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