Nikako pobjeći od poplave i gradnje retencije. Da se je sve isuviše otegnulo, a pogotovo onima koje Dobra redovno plavi, nema zbora. Rok za završetak, blizu 200 milijuna eura vrijednog projekta, označen je kraj 2023. Godine. Vrijeme leti, Dobra nas plavi a retencija, koliko vidim, neće biti završena ni do kraja iduće godine. Doduše, jedni kažu da će biti, drugi skeptični, da neće.

Da će naše „zidanje Skadra“ biti završeno do kraja iduće godine, rekao je premijer Plenković, referirajući se na  tvrdnju generalnog direktora Hrvatskih voda, Zorana Đurokovića. I na to onda, naše lokalne reakcije.

Najprije se je s tom temom javio gradonačelnik Domitrović, koji je i saborski zastupnik, a reagirao je na činjenicu, da ćemo rebalansom proračuna, o čemu je raspravljao Sabor RH, ostati bez dijela sredstava za završetak projekta Retencije. U svom priopćenju između ostalog kaže:


„Iz rebalansa je jasno vidljivo znatno smanjenje sredstava za izgradnju Retencije Ogulin te za aktivnosti vezane uz obranu od poplava u gradu Karlovcu. Ova odluka u potpunosti je kontradiktorna nedavnom izjavom premijera prilikom posjeta Ogulinu za vrijeme poplava, kada je najavio da će projekt izgradnje Retencije Ogulin biti završen do kraja iduće godine. S obzirom na to da je županica organizirala potpisivanje ugovora o gradnji Retencije Ogulin u Karlovcu, bez sudjelovanja gradonačelnika Ogulina, predstavnik grada je već davno izbačen iz projektnog tima, možda bi upravo ona mogla odgovoriti na pitanje zašto su sredstva toliko smanjena“.


Na tvrdnje Domitrovića, reagirali su iz ogulinskog HDZ-a, tvrdeći da Domitrović ne govori istinu, širi laži i manipulira informacijama o retenciji. Prema njima, Vlada RH osigurala je sredstva za projekt obrane od poplava. Na toj saborskoj sjednici, kojoj iz zdravstvenih razloga Domitrović nije nazočio, A. Salopek je u „Aktualnom prijepodnevu“ u Saboru, postavila je pitanje što će biti s retencijom u Ogulinu. Situaciju je objasnila ministrica zaštite okoliša i zelene tranzicije, Marija Vučković:


Kroz Program Konkurentnost i kohezija planirano je i faziranje tri projekta jačanja sposobnosti upravljanja rizicima od poplava odnosno provedba kroz dva programskog razdoblja, a među njima je  Ogulin i Projekt unaprjeđenja negrađevinskih mjera upravljanja rizicima od poplava u RH. Tijekom 2024.godine neometano financiranje provedbe ovih projekata bilo je omogućeno iz sredstava Hrvatskih voda, a nadalje  su sredstva osigurana iz EU sredstava", objasnila je ministrica Vučković.


Iz HDZ-a na sve reagiraju na svojoj stranici:

Opet svjedočimo lažima gradonačelnika Domitrovića koji je na svojoj facebook stranici po tko zna koji put manipulirao građanima Ogulina kako Vlada RH nije osigurala financijska sredstva za nastavak projekta Retencija - sustav obrane od poplava“.


O obrani Ogulina od poplave i gradnji retencije, napisao sam toliko, da bi mogao objaviti knjigu. Podeblju. Knjigu naših nebuloza, nelogičnosti, nesnalaženja, nesloge, lažnih obećanja, prekoračenih rokova, kašnjenja radova, i tako u beskraj.

E sada, tko je ovaj puta u pravu, pokazati će vrijeme.

A kaj da vam velim. Vidite i sami......."malo" kasnimo.

8. 11. 2024.

Nebojša Magdić



#11 Bingo 2024-11-09 10:44
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#15 Natasha 2025-03-08 15:09
Anabolic Basics For Beginners: The Ultimate Guide

# Steroid Cycles 101: Testosterone, PCT, and the KISS Rule

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have long been a staple in the world
of bodybuilding, offering users the ability to enhance muscle growth, recovery, and overall
performance. For beginners, understanding steroid cycles can be overwhelming,
but breaking it down into manageable parts makes the process less

### Introduction to Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)
AAS are synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone, one
of the primary hormones responsible for muscle growth and strength.
These compounds are designed to stimulate muscle growth by increasing
protein synthesis, reducing fat storage, and enhancing recovery time.
However, it's important to note that AAS use comes with potential risks, including side effects, addiction, and legal repercussions.

### Injectable and Oral Steroids
Steroids can be administered in two primary forms:
injectable and oral. Injectables, such as Testosterone Enanthate or Deca-Durabolin, are typically more potent and have longer active windows due to their slow release.

On the other hand, oral steroids like Dianabol (Metandienone) and Anavar (Oxandrolone) are convenient for users but require more
frequent dosing and can be less reliable in terms
of effectiveness.

### Cycling Steroids
Cycling involves using a steroid for a set period, followed by a
break (often called a "cycle") to allow the body to recover naturally.

This process is essential for preventing steroid-related side effects
and maintaining hormonal balance.

#### Stacking Steroids
Stacking refers to using multiple steroids simultaneously, often in combination with other performance-enhancin g drugs like IGF-1 or growth hormone.

While this can amplify results, it also increases the
risk of complications like gyno (gynecosmodystrophy) and testicular atrophy.

#### Pyramiding Steroids
Pyramiding involves increasing the dosage of a steroid over time during a cycle, reaching a peak dose before tapering
off. This method is sometimes used to maximize muscle growth but requires careful
planning to avoid harm.

### Cycle Length
The length of a steroid cycle can vary based on the compound used and the user's goals.
Here’s a breakdown of common cycle durations:

#### Short Cycles (2-4 weeks)
These are typically used for cutting or fat loss, as short-term use can help maintain muscle
mass while shedding excess body fat.

#### Medium Cycles (6-8 weeks)
Medium-length cycles are popular among experienced users who want to balance muscle growth with recovery.

#### Standard Cycles (10-12 weeks)
Standard cycles are the most common for
beginners, providing enough time to see noticeable improvements in strength and size without overtaxing the body.

#### Long Cycles (3-9 months)
Long-term use is often reserved for advanced users or those looking to build significant muscle mass or
achieve a specific aesthetic goal.

### Which Steroid Compound to Use?
Choosing the right steroid depends on your goals,
experience, and risk tolerance. Below are some of the most popular compounds:

#### Testosterone (and Its Esters)
Testosterone is the foundation of any AAS cycle,
as it’s essential for muscle growth and recovery.
Common esters include Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate, and Sustanon 250.

#### Dianabol (Metandienone)
Dianabol is one of the most widely used oral steroids
due to its ability to rapidly promote muscle growth and
strength. However, it’s also highly estrogenic, making PCT essential after use.

#### Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
Deca-Durabolin is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve recovery time.

It’s a favorite among experienced users but can cause testicular atrophy if misused.

#### Anavar (Oxandrolone)
Anavar is a mild steroid often used in cutting phases
or for maintaining muscle mass during a break from growth hormones.

#### Sustanon 250 (Mix of Testosterone Esters)
Sustanon 250 provides a slow, steady release of testosterone, making
it ideal for long-term use.

#### Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone is a potent steroid with strong anabolic and anti-catabolic effects.
It’s often used in bulking and cutting phases but can cause side effects like acne and hair loss.

#### Winstrol (Stanozolol)
Winstrol is a powerful steroid with minimal estrogenic activity,
making it a popular choice for cutting cycles.

#### Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
Anadrol is one of the most potent oral steroids available,
offering rapid muscle growth and strength gains. However, it’s
also highly hepatotoxic, so users must be cautious with dosages.

#### Clenbuterol (Clen)
Clenbuterol is a beta-agonist that can enhance fat
loss while preserving muscle mass. It’s often used in cutting
phases but should be combined with other steroids for maximum

#### Proviron (Mesterolone)
Proviron is used primarily for hormone optimization, helping to maintain testoster-one levels during steroid use.

#### Masteron (Drostanolone)
Masteron is a derivative of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that’s highly effective for cutting and maintaining muscle mass.

#### Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)
Halotestin is another potent oral steroid with strong anabolic effects,
often used in bulking phases.

#### Primobolan (Metenolone)
Primobolan is a milder steroid often used for cutting or as
part of a bulking stack.

#### Equipoise (Boldenone)
Equipoise is a derivative of Boldione that’s known for its muscle-building effects
and minimal side effects compared to other steroids.

#### Oral Turinabol (Tbol)
Oral Turinabol is a mild steroid often used in performance-enhancem ent programs due to its low side-effect profile.

#### T3 Cytomel
T3 Cytomel is a thyroid hormone analog that’s sometimes used in combination with steroids to enhance metabolism
and fat loss.

### Beginner Steroid Cycles
For those new to AAS, starting with a simple, well-structured cycle is
key. Below are some recommendations for beginner cycles:

#### Should I use steroids?
Before deciding to use steroids, consider the following questions:
- Are you under 25 years old?
- Have you been training for less than five years?

- Do you have poor training and diet discipline?
- Are you carrying excess body fat?
- Do you struggle with emotional or psychological issues?

If you answered yes to any of these, it might be best to wait before using steroids.

### Testosterone in Every Cycle
Testosterone is the backbone of any steroid cycle, as it’s responsible for driving
muscle growth and maintaining hormonal balance.

Below are two options for your first cycle:

#### Option #1: Test Taper Protocol
This involves starting with a low dose of Testosterone (e.g.,
300-500mg/week) and gradually increasing the dosage over
the course of the cycle, then tapering down to restore natural testosterone production.

#### Option #2: The 1-vial Testosterone Cycle for Beginners
For those looking for simplicity, a single vial of Testosterone Enanthate (100-200mg per
week) is often recommended as a starting point.

### Testosterone and Dianabol Cycle
For more significant muscle gain, you can combine Testosterone with Dianabol.
For example:
- Testosterone: 500mg/week
- Dianabol: 25-50mg/day
This combination provides a strong anabolic effect while minimizing side
effects like estrogen buildup.

### Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle
Deca-Durabolin is often paired with Dianabol for its anti-inflammatory properties and
synergy with Testosterone. A common dosage would be:
- Deca-Durabolin: 300mg/week
- Dianabol: 50mg/day

### Advanced Steroid Cycles
For experienced users, advanced protocols can include high-dose testosterone cycles or complex bulking stacks.
However, these should only be attempted after a solid foundation of knowledge and experience.

### What about the doses, you might be asking?

Doses vary widely depending on the steroid and user goals, but sticking to
recommended ranges is crucial to minimize risk.

#### Bulking Stacks
- Dbol + Tren + Test (Super Mass Builder)
- Deca Durabolin + Dbol + Testosterone
- Sustanon + Tren + Anadrol (Mass Stack)

#### Cutting Stacks
- Anavar + Winstrol
- Primobolan + Anavar + Deca + Test
- Test Prop + Tren + Winstrol
- Tren + Test Prop + Halotestin + Anavar

### Cycle Diet, Supplements and Training
While on a steroid cycle, maintaining a calorie surplus is essential for muscle
growth. Focus on high-protein meals, adequate carbohydrates, and
healthy fats. Additionally, ensure you’re getting enough rest and
sleep to optimize recovery.

Supplements like whey protein, creatine, and BCAAs can further enhance performance.

### Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) After Your First Cycle
After completing a cycle, it’s crucial to undergo PCT to restore natural hormone production and
avoid complications like gyno or testicular atrophy.
A common PCT protocol includes:
- Clomid or Nolvadex for estrogen control

- Testosterone supplements (optional depending on recovery)

### Common Side Effects of Steroid Use
- Acne
- Hair loss
- Gynecomastia (gyno)
- Testicular atrophy
- Mood swings
- Liver damage
- High blood pressure

### FAQs
**What are anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)?**
AAS are synthetic hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone, promoting muscle growth
and recovery.

**What is a half-life?**
The half-life refers to how long it takes for a drug to be
eliminated from the body. For example, Testosterone has a half-life
of about 24 hours, while Deca-Durabolin lasts much longer.

**Is it safe to inject steroids? Does it hurt?**
Steroid injection itself is generally safe when done properly.
However, improper use can lead to infections or scarring.

**At what age should I start using steroids?**
The general recommendation is to wait until you’re at least 21 years old and have a solid understanding
of steroid biology and safety.

**What should my diet and training be like when I’m on a steroid cycle?**

A calorie surplus with high-protein meals, adequate hydration,
and rest are essential for maximizing muscle growth.

**What is an ester?**
An ester is a chemical compound that modifies the steroid molecule, altering its duration and potency in the body.

**Should I take anti-estrogen drugs with steroids?**
Yes, especially if you’re using steroids like Dianabol or Anavar, which can increase estrogen levels.

**What is gyno?**
Gyno refers to gynecosmodystrophy, a condition where breast
tissue develops in males due to elevated estrogen levels.

**Will steroids give me acne or make me bald?**
Yes, steroid use can lead to acne and male pattern baldness in some

**Will steroids affect my sex drive?**
High doses of steroids can suppress libido, but this is generally reversible after

**How fast do anabolic steroids work?**
Steroids work relatively quickly, with noticeable changes
in muscle mass and strength within a few weeks of use.

**What happens when you stop taking steroids?**
Stopping steroids suddenly can cause hormonal imbalances and side effects like gyno or testicular
atrophy. A proper PCT is essential to restore balance.

### Final Thoughts
Steroid use is not for everyone, and it comes with
significant risks. Only use AAS if you’re serious about committing to
a structured training and diet plan, and always prioritize
safety and ethical use. Remember, natural growth
is the foundation of success in bodybuilding.
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