Jučer je službeno uveden u posao izvođač radova na rekonstrukciji dijela ulice Augusta Šenoe i dijela ulice Ivana Gorana Kovačića u Ogulinu (V faza).

Radove će izvoditi ogulinska tvrtka Hidro-tehnika d.o.o., dok će stručni nadzor provoditi Dom konzalting d.o.o. iz Vrbovskog.

Ugovorena vrijednost radova iznosi 465.420,89 EUR s PDV-om, a projekt uključuje:

  • izvedbu potpornog zida,
  • pripremne i zemljane radove,
  • AB pilote,
  • geotehnička sidra, te
  • završne radove s tehničkim praćenjem i kontrolom kvalitete na dionici duljine približno 160 metara.

Rok za završetak radova je sredina lipnja 2025. godine.


14. 12. 2024.

Grad Ogulin

#21 Đebedaja 2024-12-19 11:12
Đebe prvi, Papa drugi...ugl.
Na upravna tijela grada pratim malo popis stučnjak s kojima Grad raspolaže, lijepo društvance. Neki doajeni, neki malo svjež puta da doajenima postanu. Ništa tako skrolam niže. Pa evo ima jedan vrtlar naveden. Neznam, nebi o imenima. Ja samo zamišljam taj Edenski vrt, šareni perivoj uokviren nježnim stablima japanske trešnje pored kojih prolazimo, kad li onda jednom budemo ulazili u gradsku upravu.
#22 Finjak. 2024-12-20 04:40
To sa gradskim vrtlarom podsjeća me na onog Hdz-ovog čuvara pečata. Pa se pitam što još Žuti i ekipa neće izmisliti. Kakvo maštovito radno svoje vjerne poslušnike. Pardon članove.
#23 Laurinda 2025-03-08 16:18
Here's How Ozempic Actually Works For Weight Loss

Here's How Ozempic Actually Works for Weight Loss

Ozempic, a medication commonly prescribed for weight management,
operates through a unique interaction with the body's systems to help achieve sustainable
weight loss. It works by influencing hunger hormones and modifying gut feelings associated
with appetite, thereby reducing overall food intake.


Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Ozempic and other weight
management solutions. Stay informed about new studies, patient experiences, and expert
recommendations delivered straight to your inbox.

Ozempic Takes Away Cravings

Ozempic is designed to suppress appetite by
targeting specific regions of the brain that
control hunger. By modulating these areas, it
reduces the desire to overeat, making it easier for users to
adhere to a lower-calorie diet and maintain weight loss over

Ozempic Can Decrease Cravings

Beyond just reducing appetite, Ozempic also works by decreasing cravings, which can be particularly
challenging for those trying to stick to their dietary plans.
It helps in managing the urge to snack between meals or give in to tempting foods.

There Are Still Risks

It's important to note that Ozempic, like any medication,
comes with potential side effects and risks. Users should
consult their healthcare provider before starting the medication to
discuss their medical history, current medications, and lifestyle.

Article Sources

For more information on how Ozempic works and its
effectiveness in weight loss, you can refer to credible
sources such as clinical studies and patient reviews.
1, 2, etc., provide detailed insights into the mechanisms and real-world experiences with Ozempic.

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