Kada je 2014. prof. Zvonko Ranogajec, s dvojicom prijatelja za prvi dan Nove godine na jezeru Sabljaci, otvorio sezonu kupnja, nije vjerojatno ni slutio kako će sve to naići na vrlo dobar odaziv Ogulinaca.
Te prve godine ( 2014 ) pratilo ih je nekoliko prijatelja i slučajnih prolaznika. Tri mušketira bili su: Zvonko Ranogajec, Zvonko Lipoščak i Ljerko Žanić. Skokom u jezero, koje je prvoga dana 2014. godine imalo 6,5 Celzijevih stupnjeva, a zrak 8, dečki su poslali poruku vlastima na lokalnoj, županijskoj i državnoj razini, da učine nešto za HOC Bjelolasicu, a posebno za obnovu restorana Sabljaci kojeg je progutala vatra.
Danas Bjelolasica, više nije naša. Jer državu za nju očito nije bilo briga. Preuzeli je sada neki Slovaci, a što će biti s njom, još nitko ne zna.
Restoranu na Sabljacima, možemo se nadati. Voljeli bi što prije. Koliko imam informacija, kaj bi Ogulinci rekli - eppur si muove.
Od „novogodišnjeg kupanca“ spominjem, bbrrrrr hladnu, 2015-u godinu.
Prve noći u Novoj 2015. godini, "zeko je tražio mamu" a pingvini su padali od hladnoće. U jednom trenutku u noći, živa se spustila na čak minus 17 celzijića. Na sreću oko 11,oo sati, kada je počeo „kupanac“, popela se je na „podnošljivih“ minus 10 stupnjeva, što je možda dobro za šetnju ako ste primjereno i toplo obučeni, ali za kupanje, Bože sačuvaj. Uz to, temperatura vode bile je nula celzija. Ali hrabre dečke to nije spriječilo da se odlučno bace u jezero, prije čega su članovi Gorske službe spašavanja, razbili led. U hladnoj vodi „osvježenje“ je tražila već uhodana trojka - dva Zvonka i Ljerko, a njima su se pridružili tadašnji dogradonačelnik Željko Stipetić, te Zdravko Prša, Dalibor Kovačić.
Ove godine okupilo se 12 kupača na čelu s idejnim začetnikom, prof. Zvonkom Ranogajcem. Uz njega, na skoro pa ugodnoj temperaturi zraka od 9 stupnjeva, u vodu koja je bila nešto hladnija, 8 stupnjeva, skočili su Dalibor Kovačić, Mate Sertić i Ivica Ugarković, Milan Sertić, Ante Juričić, Zlatko Marinić, dok su premijeru imali Aleksandar Ivošević, Dino Perić, Ante Bičanić, Ivan Dujmić i Matija Šimić.
Kolega sa Kaportla navode da je ovom novogodišnjem eventu nazočilo stotinjak Ogulinaca, ali 
siguran sam da je bilo više zainteresiranih.  Od Kaportal  i Ogulin.eu, kradem nekoliko fotkica. 
Nisam mogao nazočiti ovom eventu, jer sam bio na dočeku u Brazilu. 
Nebojša Magdić
#11 Palunko 2025-01-05 13:18
Trebalo bi osnovati udrugu novogodišnjih kupača pa da ta udruga sama organizira uz pomoć sponzora...kao udruga opatijskih kukala.

Dobar prijedlog. Mislim da bi uz druge sponzore iza svega trebao stajati Grad. Svuda idu novci pa se može sponzorirati i to novogodišnje kupanje jer to je pored skijališta Kuti još jedna promocija Ogulina.
#12 Domino 2025-01-05 18:55
To mi sve izgleda kao promocija necijeg pimpeka.. malo gay
#13 Njonjo 2025-01-05 19:55
Citat Domino:
To mi sve izgleda kao promocija necijeg pimpeka.. malo gay

A nimaš baš kaj ni vidjeti... ladna voda nije najbolji prijatelj...
#14 Bert 2025-03-08 17:24
How to Get Rid of Smile Lines: A Quick Guide from Hortman Clinics

# How to Get Rid of Smile Lines: A Quick Guide from Hortman Clinics

## What Causes Smile Lines?
Smile lines, often referred to as marionette lines, are the
vertical creases that appear around the mouth area.
These lines can develop due to aging, frequent smiling, sun exposure,
and lifestyle factors like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. Understanding
these causes is the first step toward addressing them effectively.

## Can You Prevent Smile Lines?
While some people may be more prone to developing smile lines due to genetic factors, there are several
preventive measures you can take. Staying hydrated, protecting your skin from UV rays,
maintaining a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, and avoiding harmful
habits like smoking can help reduce the appearance of these lines over time.

## How Do Fillers Reduce the Appearance of Laugh Lines?

Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based products,
are a popular solution for smile lines. These injectables work by plumping the skin, smoothing out the lines
and creating a more youthful appearance. The results can last up to six months, depending on the
individual and the product used.

## Botox: A Quick Fix for Dynamic Wrinkles
Botox is another effective treatment for smile lines. It works
by temporarily relaxing the muscles in the face that
cause the lines to form. While it offers quick results, it’s important
to remember that it’s a temporary solution and may require regular treatments to maintain the effect.

## The Role of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers in Maintaining Skin Elasticity
Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the skin and helps keep it hydrated and elastic.
When used as a filler, it can restore volume and firmness, contributing to a smoother complexion.
This makes it an excellent option for reducing the visibility
of smile lines.

## The Importance of Finding the Right Skin Treatment for You
Every individual’s skin is unique, so it’s crucial to consult with a professional before choosing treatments.
A skilled aesthetician can assess your skin and recommend
the most appropriate options based on your specific needs and

## Advanced Laser Treatments
For those looking for non-invasive solutions, advanced laser treatments offer a minimally invasive approach to reducing smile lines.

These procedures target the deep layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and improving elasticity.

## Cosmetic Dentistry
While primarily focused on oral health, cosmetic dentistry
can also play a role in addressing smile lines.
Procedures like crowns or bridges can alter the structure of the mouth area,
potentially reducing the visibility of lines.

## Health Optimization and Weight Loss
Maintaining overall health through proper nutrition and exercise can contribute to smoother, more radiant skin. Weight loss, especially
in areas around the face, may help reduce the appearance of smile lines over time.

## Related News
- **PICO Genesis: The Future of Skin Rejuvenation at Hortman Clinics**
PICO Genesis offers a cutting-edge solution for skin rejuvenation, targeting fine lines and improving texture for a more youthful look.

- **Bridal Package by Hortman Clinics: Exclusive Cosmetic Treatments for a Flawless Wedding Day**
Achieve that bridal glow with personalized treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty.

- **Everything You Need to Know About BBL Therapy:
Benefits, Process, and Results**
BBL (Bilateral Photorejuvenation) is a popular choice for
reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture, offering long-lasting

## Book Now
To learn more about the treatments available
at Hortman Clinics or to schedule a consultation, visit our website or contact us directly.
Together, we can help you achieve the smooth, youthful appearance you

Let’s talk. We are here for you. Always.

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